Dave Mugavero

Meet Dave Mugavero- Founder & Coach Custom Bodies Fitness

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t feel a passion for health and fitness. I started in team sports at the age of six, and quickly realized that through the team, I was learning aspects of building character, confidence, relationships, and positive self-esteem that would ultimately shape my adult life and my career. I had so many great coaches that I looked up to, and I always aspired to be just like them.

It’s funny how sometimes, through circumstances, you don’t choose your life’s path, but the path chooses you. When I was 15 years old, I faced the challenge of a life-threatening illness which completely changed the trajectory of my life and my purpose. I was in the hospital for a month and I didn’t expect to live past the age of 20. So, instead of feeling sorry for myself, I decided to immerse myself into the world of fitness and learn everything I could to keep my health. I became a competitive bodybuilder at age 18 because I thought it would help heal me…..and it really did.

 I became a Personal Trainer at age 28, and since then, my life has been focused on creating healthy transformations for my private training clients. I have become one of the leading weight loss professionals in the country, and now get to work with clients anywhere in the world.

If you’re reading this because you’re seeking answers to your own weight loss and health journey, I want you to know that you’re not alone, and I’m genuinely excited to connect with you. My goal is to help you discover the right solutions to make you feel your best once again. I invite you to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation with me on my calendar. Together we can explore a clear path to a healthier, happier you. 

To book your initial consultation, click here: Calendly Link.


Marissa Rakestraw